Sunday, August 30, 2009

NewWater Boatworks "Stilt" Unveiling August 29, 209

Tim Clancey's NewWater Boatworks "Stilt" technical poling skiff.

This boat was unveiled last night at the NewWater Owner's Tournament.

The lighting was dim and my camera took some fuzzy shots, but, this is the most beautiful boat I have ever seen. The fit and finish is astounding and the bold design had everyone in the room with "Stilt Envy"!

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bigger fish & more of them today, changes are in the air! Finally cooler and a few showers! LHL still a winner with big schools of redfish on incoming water.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pods of tails today in the LHL and back lakes of San Jose. Between 8am and12pm, tailing fish on structure like tight to shorelines and patches of thick grass

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Found some migrating redfish the usual places! It's just getting started... Water levels near the jetties were higher.

Saltwater Angler Article, August 22, 2009

Saltwater Angler
August 22, 2009

In the home stretch of summer, it’s essential for shallow water anglers to really pay attention to tides and water levels. Don’t get stranded in a back lake and have to walk out, because at this time of the year, the tide can drop out like a rock. When fishing close to the water sources of the Gulf, this is especially important. Kayakers can really benefit from these falling waters by reaching into the super shallow waters that boats can’t get to. Redfish seem to come in to the shallow water on the rising tide, but really kick off a feeding frenzy when the tide begins to drop. Time fishing just right for the best late summer action!

Lack of winds in August adds another layer of complexity at times. No tides, to wind, no feeding action. Early afternoons can make for better fishing, even though it’s really hot, with more wind which the predators really like to feed on in shallow waters. Still eating shrimp in the grass, redfish especially like a little breeze to gather and tail upon. Winds moving shallow waters help to dislodge the food hiding there. You’ll find these feeding pods of redfish in ankle-deep water, moving into the wind as they busily mow their way along the bottom. I know I’m in the right place when my boat or kayak is barely floating!

Light tackle anglers use natural colored small soft plastics rigged weedless and weightless. Fly fishermen stay small as well, a #6 all-white clouser imitates the tiny shrimp that is still a redfish’s favorite food in August.

Floating and heavy grass can be annoying for the fisherman, but it’s a redfish’s living room and kitchen. Find ways to deal with the grass because that’s where the fish are.

Blue Gulf of Mexico waters are still infiltrating the bays from the jetties. Be on the lookout in these areas for Jack Crevalle, Spanish Mackeral, Kingfish, Tarpon and the beginnings of the redfish migration on major shorelines. Gear up appropriately to take advantage of these late summer fish. 12 pound test on a 7’ medium light rod might not be enough to tangle with a 30 pound Jack!

The first cold front of the fall can’t come too soon as the middle of August in South Texas can sure be brutal. Planning right now for fall fishing, dove hunting, early teal and the beginning of duck season seems ridiculous, but it is really right around the corner. Get your new waders ordered; find a wading jacket that will keep you warm and dry and make sure hunting gear is in order. Before you know it, summer will be over and the next season will be here!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Scout fished Copano today for the NewWater Owners Tourney this weekend. At least I know where NOT to go!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I don't say this very often, but it was a tough day fishing today.-Beautiful water with redfish on the sand outside traylor island later in the afternoon. Bright sunshine and crystal clear water made seeing the small schools of redfish easy. Catching them was another story, though!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fishing Report, August 22, 2009

A beautiful sunrise and a warm, light breeze escorted us to the back lakes on San Jose Island this morning where we started our fishing trip. Paul and Tracy were learning about sightcasting and were throwing lures. Several redfish and trout were caught on topwaters ("clown" Super Spook Jr's) there, and then we poled upon several pods of tailing redfish. Although it looked like there were only 5 or so fish, there were about 30 in each pod!

As the morning wore on, the fishing got slower and slower. It was hot and the wind quit blowing. Hot August fishing, for sure.

Then, we dropped into the Brown and Root flats for a look and a gigantic herd of redfish showed themselves. The game was on.

Paul brought home the bacon with this nice 23" red (caught on a 1/8th ounce Bagley "textured" gold spoon) which was just perfect for the grill. Tomorrow, we are going to do it all over again!
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ran offshore this morning looking for something big to cast at- finished the day working with my lab Kelly, ready for dove season.